bethira Member


  • I've had my HR about a week. Used to have a Flex. Wish it was waterproof and it does a poor job of counting my flights of stairs, but otherwise, loving it.
  • I had a Flex but it had a charging issue (just out of warranty, of course) and I switched to the Charge HR. So far it seems very accurate and I love it. The FitBit in general just reminds me to get off my butt. I have an office job and I get focused and literally will not get out of my chair for hours at a time. The only…
  • I'm in! I've lost 100, gained back 5, and have at least 25 (well 30 now) to go. Let's do it!
  • I typically donate my clothes as soon as they are replaced with a smaller size. I don't want any excuses or opportunities to get lazy and put the weight back. So new pair of black pants? Get rid of the largest pair of black pants in the closet. That's what works for me.
  • 2 or 3 times a month. But I'm very selective about what I get. First I don't like anyone's fast food salads. I usually stick to 4 chicken nuggets and a baked potato from Wendy's. Yummy, filling and warm. The biggest thing for me these days, is I gave up soda (even diet) and it's hard for me to eat that meal without a soda…
  • I've seen it some places I've belonged to. And I don't know if it was my own projection but I definitely felt it more when I was 300lbs + than now that I'm smaller. There's nothing quite like standing in front of a machine that looks like a medieval torture device with no idea how to use it while the grunty guy on the next…
  • Per my Fitbit, HRM and MFP, 60 minutes of Zumba usually gets me in the 700s if I'm taking a class 900s if I'm teaching (it's always higher intensity when I teach). So depending on your weight and fitness level 500 - 700 is not an unreasonable amount. Just keep an eye on your loss and adjust if your losses start to slow. On…
  • I prefer tequila, but the rest is totally accurate.
  • This! My post was also not a resolution. These are things that must happen in 2015. Writing them down just makes me accountable for them.
  • * Strength training at least once a week, even though I hate it * Get my Zumba Gold specialty * See the first number on my scale be a 1 for the first time in almost 20 years * Drink more and remember to track water * Practice my set before class (even when I'm tired and don't feel like dancing)
  • I've had the Fitbit Flex for almost a year. It keeps me accountable for my activity (or some days lack thereof). Today I spent a good portion of the day wrapping presents and made a quick stop at WalMart, but the key is that I didn't move much. Today was a rest day, but clearly I took that a little too literally, so I will…
  • Any of us that are success stories, that have lost the weight and kept it off, are the minority. I can't tell you how many people have asked me, "what are you doing" and sigh when I tell them "1500 calories a day & exercise 5 -6 days a week". They want the magic bullet. They want it to be easy. It's my opinion that many…
  • I'm an H cup and I've never found a sports bra that really does the trick for me, but I'm a Zumba instructor. Unless I want to black both my eyes jumping up and down, I had to find something, so I wear a t-shirt bra under a sports bra and that really seems to work for me. The only down side is the skimpy Zumba tops are…
  • Last night I took a House Party class. During the squat song, I was able to do the ones with your legs together and my feet were touching! I used to have to stand with my feet a couple inches apart because my thighs wouldn't let me get my feet that close to each other.
  • Today was my 130th consecutive day of logging. And even though today was a gain, I'm not going to get discouraged or eat a bunch of stuff I'm not supposed to, and perhaps tomorrow, I will be back down.
  • Thanks Rodderick! I'll check that one out as well.
  • Ross is my fave go to for cheap workout wear. The XL section is always the smallest, so you have check back often, but you can good, name brand stuff at half (or sometimes less) of retail price.
  • This Weighing daily helped me see that a 1 - 2 lb. up or down fluctuation daily is perfectly normal and has nothing to do what I did or did not do the day before. The number I pay attention to is the weight on the first of the month and the weight on the last of the month. I try for that second number to be 5 lbs. lower…
  • Real butter (margarine is evil, I won't use it) or olive oil, typically. I prefer to work them into my calories / macros rather than go with something lower in calories but chemical laden.
  • My favorite tea is definitely oolong with a couple packs of stevia. Oolong is definitely better sweet and stevia gives us the sweet without the calories. Oolong has caffeine, so if you're looking for a no caffeine option it is not for you. One note, don't boil your water for oolong. It's best brewed at about 180 degrees.…
    in Tea Comment by bethira September 2014
  • I was 300+ lbs when I started this. I don't actually know my top weight because my scale wouldn't go over 300. I count my loss from 300 because that was the first weight I could verify on a scale (I wouldn't go to the doctor, I was too embarrassed). This has not been an easy road, and I'm still on it, will be for life, but…
  • This is not all encompassing to me. I eat, I log. I exercise, I log. At the end of the day I hit the finished button and giggle at the number it says I'll weigh in 5 weeks. Sometimes I weigh that number in 5 weeks, sometimes I don't. The days of excuses are gone. I need to do this for me and it's the right choice for me.…
  • Isn't it true that anything eaten to excess can cause you to gain weight? Perhaps with the exception of lettuce. The point at which lettuce would exceed your total calorie deficit would have to be hundreds of pounds. Agree with the others. I believe that nutritionist should be fired, reported to her licensing agency and…
  • Agreeing with the "doctors are not nutrritionists" line of this thread. When I told a doctor (not my regular doc, a substitute I had to see when my regular guy was on vacation) that I was on 1500 calories a day, he told me to take that down to 1000 (even though I have consistent and steady weight loss at 1500). I tried it…
  • Congratulations! Every journey begins with the first step (or the first pound). I'm really proud of you for sticking with it. Many more to come!
  • Not a dumb question at all. You will do best to weigh. "Medium" is subjective. The grape tomatoes at the local Food Giant are much smaller than the grape tomatoes at Costco, so counting isn't a good measure either. Weigh your solids and you will know exactly what you're putting into your body. While it's true that the…
  • This ... and it works!
  • Wow, that sounds super yummy. I'm not low carb, but a 92 calorie chocolate treat sounds right up my alley