

  • aj My recommendations are to stick with it, follow the nutrition, keep pushing play ( NO MATTER WHAT) Your body will try to reject this work out, your gonna have discomfort. Your brain will try to come up with excuses not to do a work out. Fight past all that garbage, even if your sore, keep pushing play, once your blood…
    in P90Xr's Comment by bmille32 April 2009
  • I am in week 1 of phase 2. Last week I really started to bonk, not only my work out but also at work. I started a new job last week also. Its pretty physically demanding. My plan was to try phase 2 of the nutrition (even though I don't feel like by body fat is low enough to move on) and see if that makes a difference. I…
    in P90Xr's Comment by bmille32 April 2009
  • Hello, I am new to this site. I am in Phase 2 of my first round of P90X. I am struggling a little with the nutrition plan. I am hoping some other Xers join in here and we can help each other. Anyone is welcome just be sure to Bring It. Ben
    in P90Xr's Comment by bmille32 April 2009
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