

  • Thanks...the protions that I eat are small. And yeah I saw how some excercises over calculate the calories burned,but with those I go buy what I see on the machine that make u enter ur weight, time, level and not mfp...I haven't gained weight which is a good thing for me ,but I do notice my jeans a little less tight from…
  • Hey there girl my name is sara I weigh 291 and I'm 23 year as well and 5' goal is to lose at leaste 10plbs but the more the better...I gained so much weight after having my son and now that he 3 years old I want to have a second child,but my weight is such a big risk factor and I would love too feel good again...I…
  • Hey..congrats for the weight loss...I'm new to this site and need to lose more than 75lbs I've been working out for 2 weeks and so far lost 6lbs.