

  • I guess I should say, that if I couldn't get outside to walk I would use my treadmill and watch The Biggest Loser (what a great motivation!). I also love to use an elliptical!
  • I had about 60 lbs to lose when I first started my journey back in March. I started "The Skinny Mom Challenge" and trained for a mini-marathon. During the challenge the trainer suggested a "Clean Eating" diet. You can look on-line for more info. I am now on my second Skinny Mom Challenge. This time round she had me start…
  • I share in your accomplishment! I graduated from plus sizes to regular sizes. Isn't it a great feeling! CONGRATS :)
    in My NSV Comment by neison78 June 2011
  • Be upset, but make that your motivation to get back on the wagon. We are all human and can't be perfect all the time. Allow yourself to be disappointed, but don't let it keep you down. You can do it!
  • I forgot to celebrate my 21lbs lost, I went out and bought a few summer dresses over the weekend. It has been so long since I have felt comfortable to wear a dress!