

  • Ha ha! like hell! full brazillian, that made me laugh loads, I'm scared to go bikini line let alone the Iot. It's been a pleasure reading everyone's thoughts and tips, some very very useful information there and lots of it made me laugh loads!
  • Not of mine though eh! ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!
  • perhaps you are all right, I should man up and just get waxed! I'm scared of walking like a cowboy afterwards though! I'm having enough problems with my armpits at the moment! I suddenly have a massive hollow in them and having problems getting in!
  • Brilliant! love you guys, soooo funny! hope he never finds a pube in his trimmer.
  • ha ha ha ha! love this! that made me laugh loads! thanks.
  • My skin is so soft and i'm scared! the wax will probably take my skin with it!
  • There is no way anyone is off down there with any wax strips! wonder if the hair removal cream works!
  • Hi, I lost 57lb in approximately 7 months. I'm 40 years old and started at 202lb I now weigh 145lb. Just a tiny bit left to go. I just weigh everything and log the lot. Walk and stay within my calorie goal. I stopped loosing about half way and started to zig zag my intake, tricked my body, ate low one day and high the…
  • You totally rock! I am so happy for you. I just bought a pair of jeans a size smaller and was hopping round the changing room like a little kid when they slipped up and fastened without a struggle. If I was that happy you must be totally over the moon! Really Really well done. YEY! x
  • What a fantastic story, You are amazing and have done so well. Congratulations on such a fantastic victory. You are a true inspiration. x
  • I don't have any real before but hopes this helps inspire. I am 40 years old, 5'7" SW 202lb CW 145lb.
  • Wow! You look fantastic, your face has emerged and is beautiful. Really really well done. I bet you are really proud of yourself. You so should be. You are a true inspiration.
  • I am the same, I've gone down 2 bra sizes and suddenly have no butt! I can see my collar bones, hip bones and ribs. My husband is sad I've lost my bust and amazed that he can actually pick me up easily now. I have never in my adult life been so light. I feel amazing and can't stop looking at my new slimmer legs. I'm off…
  • Hiya, I am a couch potato. I am self employed and my job is sitting. I walk my children to school and do the shopping, enjoy a wander round town but love sitting and watching movies. I go out with my friends to my local rock club about once a month too for a good old mosh! I have a side stepper and use that a few times a…
  • ooooh now we are all interested in you and your elusive ways!
  • Nikki is my name and Noo Nar is what my best friend calls me (usually when she is drunk) the extra "r" on the end is an error because one of my children had been eating crisps over the laptop the day I created this account, there was a crumb under the "r" key! tut!
  • Oh that is vile. That made me laugh loads. More now to add to my list! Valve! Now that is a gross word too!
  • Yuk, me too now! There is a new word that I suddenly do not like!
  • ooooh I thought of one that really annoys me "key" in the context "working together is key " grrrrr!
  • I am from Yorkshire and my husband is from the Midlands. All his family used to call me "Bab" Hey! your mum called me a poo! up North that is a rude word that would get you a clip round the ear, down in Birmingham it is a version of "baby" eh! I don't like being called "Bab" (I think they've worked it out now)
  • Ha Ha! Bazinga! I discovered today my thighs don't rub together anymore when I walk, no swooshing jeans for me anymore! Now I will be able to creep up on people in stealth mode! mwah ha ha ha haaaa!
  • Nice Butt! wish mine was that pert! ;)
  • I think you have a beautiful face, wonderful skin and huge eyes. I am glad your pic is of you. You are amazing!
  • That picture did turn out amazing, really well done. I think you all look amazing, it is so good to see so many people don't hide. I sometimes read threads on here and wonder what some look like. They sound like beautiful people and are witty, supportive and helpful but they are hiding behind photos of what they want to be…
  • NO WAY! The crinklies are that much! OMFG! No wonder we all need to loose weight! For me it was cereal! if one portion is 30g and 30g is like just over a measly spoonful why do they make the cereal bowls so blooming big! I've had many a problem thinking my food scales had broken!
  • We are our worst critic. Like you I have no before pictures. I sometimes look in the mirror and think "looking good" take a picture and upon looking at the photo decide I don't like what I see, I now try to compliment myself every day. Go by your NSV's. I took a shower the other day and realized my backside was not…
  • My first NSV was going to bed and not immediately getting heartburn. My favorite one was when I realized the amount of seat belt needed in my car was loads less. It has a fluffy bit that used to stick to the velcro on my coat by my boobs. Now it tickles my neck. And my most recent one was someone asking me if I had shrunk…
  • I love popcorn, The value of 382 cals is correct for a 100g bag of Popz microwave butter popcorn after it is popped. To be fair you would have to be really hungry or greedy to eat a whole popped bag of it yourself. I share it with my 3 children. 25g fills a standard cereal bowl piled high and is way plenty for 1 person and…
  • I am seriously impressed with your story. You have done an amazing job. You are a very attractive fella. Your smile has got bigger. I love to see face comparison. People go from a tiny face surrounded by chops to beautiful people. You certainly did that. Really well done. You are my hero of the day. X
  • I look in the mirror. I am most critical of myself at the weekend. I examine the fat bits and give myself a good telling off. I weigh in on a Saturday so convince myself that if I indulge in will gain weight. Don't be afraid to shout at yourself. My children think I am bonkers but it seriously works! Good luck. You can do…