Don't call me skinny.
I have been overweight my entire adult life. Even when I felt good about myself I was always in the overweight part of the chart. Right now I have lost every single overweight pound I had. I am just under the halfway point of the ideal weight part of the chart. I am slim, I am now a small girl. People who have never seen…
Lady garden issues!
Howdy folks, I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread. The forum guidelines include this item: If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the…
Profile Pics
I recently felt comfortable enough to change my pic from my Pink Mini to a real pic of me. We hide behind usernames and profile pictures. This is a site unlike other social sites where we can hide if we want to. Tell me your name and if you are still hiding and if you will ever feel ready to reveal the true you. I am Nikki…
my seatbelt.
I have an amusing NSV for you all, the seatbelt in my car has a little fluffy bit where it kept getting stuck to the velcro by my bust on my coat, today it occurred to me that the fluffy bit is tickling my neck, there is 4 inches less seatbelt being used to get round me! Cool! Try it. Put a sticker on yours and see how…
Halfway point comparison pictures! (almost)
Hi, My name is Nikki, the first photo is of me at 202 lb (im the one trying to hide behind my best friend) This photo was taken late 2011 when out celebrating my 40th birthday. When I saw this photo I nearly cried, how did I end up looking so cuddly? I have a friend Angie who turned 40 in May 2012 and the 2nd picture is me…
words of encouragement.
I just want to share a little bit of my journey at the halfway point. When I started I was 202 lb. I was uncomfortable and felt tired and sick, I had no energy and ate indegestion tablets like sweets. I was so down I hated myself. I still have a long way to go (another 28 lb) Today I feel like the journey to my ideal…
Hi I am new
Hi everyone, My name is Nikki, I'm 40 and have about 40-50lbs to shed. I used to be slim and healthy and I loved it, it's taken 2 years to realize the weight I was gaining was not going away but increasing. Every day I wake up and see the wobbly bits, feel guilty and unfit. I keep promising myself I will start tomorrow!…
I rather like coffee with semi skimmed milk and 1 sugar I also rather like it black with no sugar. From now on I will only drink black coffee and only have my first cup of the day with milk and sugar. The difference in calories is: 40 for it white with sugar and only 2 without! TUT! what on earth was I thinking, I can get…