

  • You need a deficit to lose fat and that is what you want! Every step of your journey is going to be getting stronger and stronger and it is 100% mental. The only way you can change your body is if you change your mind and how it thinks! It is YOU going thru these types of situations that will help you get stronger and…
  • Just went back a couple days but one short thing I can add. I compete professionally so I work out a good bit as well as you do if you are training. I would suggest starting your macros at 40c/40p/20f and seeing how your body responds. I eat around 1800-2200 calories a day BUT my macros are way different than yours and 50%…
  • Your heart is working awfully hard. My RHR is 45, it used to be like 80 when I was overweight and unhealthy. I recommend cardio sessions (if Dr approves), work that heart some. Put it this way, my heart works half of what it used to......scientifically/medically speaking that is going to make my heart go a lot longer and…
  • Bodypump is great!! Start with want you want to do :-) You will build muscle, they use weights, start out moderate, the key will be for you to increase your weights when you can!!! Have fun, you will love it.
  • I see my clients do this and I try real hard to teach them different because water weight can cause such changes on the scale and make you feel bad or can make you feel a false confidence. The scale number depends a lot on your carb intake as well, for every gram of carbohydrate you eat your body needs 3-4gms of water to…
  • Awww I am so sorry, I was bullied in school :-( As an adult I wonder what is so great about you that they are jealous? You know mean girls are just mean....maybe you should get some good sweat shirts with some good sayings on them like "If you are not dripping sweat when you leave the gym you are not working out". I sweat…
  • You can do it...keep doing what you are doing, stay focused and OWN YOUR GOAL because nobody else can :-)
  • Will it hold you back from your goal, the one that you committed to???? YOU have to own YOUR goal, nobody else can! YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!
  • Helpful hint with these shirtake noodles....wash them well for several minutes in running water in a colander. After they are thoroughly washed blot them dry with paper towels, then mix with what you please :-) It helps with the smell and the taste that they use to preserve :-)
  • Your metabolism needs to be fired up, eat more :-) Try eating every 3 hours, small meals and see how your body starts kicking in gear.
  • It is great to have a goal, I like all my clients to have a goal or it is easy to get lost or lose track. It may change along the way, depends on how much muscle you want to gain, want curves you will want some muscle :-). Start with that goal and just keep working towards it, make the major goal getting healthy and you…
  • I disagree with that statement, as a certified trainer I see all types of "body types" and some people need to do cardio, period. You have to figure out your body type. Cardio is NECESSARY for a healthy heart as well, it is not all about looks. I am a bodybuilder, on a professional team as well so I like to lift obviously…
  • I dont personally count it. My burn time is my burn time, it is my daily goal to move, whatever I am dong which a lot of time is cleaning and mowing and moving :-) That is just part of what we are supposed to be.
  • I am 43, just got healthy over the past few years! Best advise I can give you is to build your muscle mass back up, it helps raise your metabolic rate and does some great things for your body as well :-)
  • Chia seeds are good, I eat them every morning along with flax seed in my oatmeal, they are great for taking toxins out of the body as well!
  • If you really want to learn something and change your body and the way you view food and not have to count every calorie add muscle by heavy lifting. It will add awesome feminine curves to your body, very feminine! Weights will lift your booty and chest and help you with your problems areas because the more muscle you have…
  • I for sure take breaks!! As a professional athlete I need to know what I have going in because I train so heavily but FOR SURE when I have a few weeks off in between events I take a breather to relax my mind . I like to know what is going in my body as well BUT moderation is key to everything :-0
  • I LOVE to see the STEPMILLS empty when I walk in so I can get on one and I love to see women that are strong, have muscles and curves :-)
  • Way to go!! YOU look great!!!
  • That is awesome and that is the first step, admitting you are not perfect and being a-ok with it!!! I am a Certified Personal Trainer, you can see my before and afters on MFP page, I did this in ten months. I am still looking to lose body fat and have two more months for my one year transformation. I would love to help you…
  • Yes!!! eat more, your body needs it :-) I am certified in fitness and nutrition and your body will eat your own muscle and you will pay for it later in life, beleive me!!!! If you want to know more just ask, I don't want to overwhelm you. Best of luck to ya :-)
  • Keep at it, thats how I started!!! Most people are not even paying attention to you, there are always those people but who cares! Just imagine what you will look like soon :-)