oneorangecat Member


  • You have so much promise ahead of you! You're graduating college and will be starting your career which is an exciting time and great opportunity for you. Having a partner who drags you down, isn't supportive, won't want to go to social things with you, etc will set the stage for a lonely life. are free, you can…
  • I think the pressure and accountability of the weekly weigh ins, whatever program you do, helps me when i want to give up.
  • Their website has a lot of free info including lists of foods and carbohydrates amounts I have been playing around with it while on here and I suspect it works (or seems to) because it ends up being low calories. I did some research and everything says people lose more on Atkins but then as with all diets…
  • I tried the new points plus and I hated it. Hardly lost anything and to accommodate the "free" fruits everything I liked to eat had too high points so I would run out. I lost 50 lbs on WW in 2000 after my 3rd kid on old points program which I had liked. I did WW again last spring and even after buying the calculator and…