janetmoz Member


  • Nice job! I love a success story!
  • This was really helpful. I am coming back after hitting stage 2. I was really good on this site for about a month and making progress. I finally got frustrated and I haven't been on the site for a week. I just received a friendly email and that was really great to say. So rather than spending time logging anything today,…
  • I had one scrambled egg with mushrooms and onions, coffee, with half-n-half and one sugar. Is there any good guidance on how to balance calorie intake through the day...or does it matter?
  • You came to the right place!!!!
    in hell o Comment by janetmoz May 2009
  • Thanks for all your support!! I made it though most of the weekend! Friday night was not bad at all. Sat was more difficult. I planned out everything. One thing I find is that I am more aware of how many calories my food is costing me. Knowing ahead of time gives me the option to to trade out foods. I did go over calories,…
    in Committment Comment by janetmoz May 2009
  • I started on Monday and I've been doing fairly well all week. But that is because I come to work each day and have my computer in front of me at all times. I can keep track and plan my meals and snacks....it's easy. However, I'm headed into my first weekend!!! We have a bbq planned tonight and friends coming over for…
    in Committment Comment by janetmoz May 2009
  • Just want to introduce myself. My goal is 20 lbs and I've been losing and gaining the same 10 for the last 2 years. I'm looking forward to really tracking what I eat and do. J