TheMisses22 Member


  • I think you should maybe try to see what you can do at a faster pace. Use the remaining weeks to increase your speed. Good luck! Your doing great!
  • Well you asked for an example of a video so here you go.... this video is the exact song and routine we do as a warm up song. You have to go to an actual class and try it out to see if you like it and you may have to try different instructors. Some are awkward and some are very…
  • Out of curiosity I entered my info on that calculator and it was 200-300 over my actual burn according to my HRM. Just an FYI in case you eat back your calories that it might be an overestimate. My actual calorie burn was closer to the calculation for low intensity but there is no way in hell I was doing a low intensity…
  • My husband comes with me to my Zumba classes (we go twice a week) and there are always men in the class. I would say 5 or so. They are def outnumbered but they are there. One guy even brings his own toning sticks to our Zumba toning class. :)
  • I am taking off 2 days between weeks. I thought I read that 2 days is what is recommended. Good Luck with week 2. I start on Friday. :)
  • Thanks for all the encouragement everyone! (and the adds) My husband is a triathlete and marathon runner so I want to at least be able to run a 5K with him! I am using the Bluefin C25K podcasts and they have pretty good music. What is everyone else using? Good luck everyone.. I know we can all do it!
  • I know I am chiming in late but I also have MS and I started at the gym doing pilates and water aerobics. My Y has many levels of water aerobics. I found in my research of MS that most suggest water aerobics and low impact exercises like yoga and pilates. Luckily I don't have many mobility issues other than balance so I do…
  • I don't know where it is from but here is my favorite: "Don't give up what you want most for what you want right now"
  • I have a 4 and a half year old as well but he is slender and only about 45 lbs. After a quick web search I found a guide for calorie intake for children that age: I would agree that a nutritionist would be a good step with and without your…
  • I had lost 30 lbs after I had my first child using the old WW and so when I rejoined after having 2nd child and used the points plus version I followed everything strictly and didn't lose any weight. I continued the program for 2 months with a total 3 lb loss and decided to switch to MFP. In the 2 1/2 months I have used…
  • I add it to my protein shakes.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I can't wait to try some of these things next time I go.
  • Great Job!! You have inspired me and I am sure that you inspired runners and spectators today while running! Good for you :happy:
  • I only do the treadmill once a week (mostly classes and weightlifting other days) but the workout I do is: 5 minute warm up at 5% incline. Then every 30 seconds I change incline. 30 seconds after warm up I go down .5% incline then 30 seconds later I go up 1% then down .5% then up 1%. My treadmill maxes at 15% incline so it…