

  • I usually do lite cards and or fruits before and then protein after for recovery. You get the quick energy for your workout then add the protein to get you through the rest of your morning whatever time that is!
  • When I buy a pack of chicken breasts I separate them in to individual portions. I like to cook them in a skillet with just a little spray. Add a can of diced tomatoes and some seasoning and or garlic and let simmer. Serve with rice or alone. You get a ton of veggies and great flavor! I've done the same with beef and ground…
  • It's easy to get scared and frustrated when you hit a wall. The fact that you took the steps in the first place to train for that walk shows you are a strong person. You shouldn't aim to "let it all go" - your Dad was important to you and you don't need to let go his memory. The key is remembering the good times you had…