dhible Member


  • Good luck to you on your journey, it's definately one that you will look back and wonder how you lived before you did it! Just remember, lots of water and be honest with your postings of food intake and exercise :)
  • This is something that you might want to consult a doctor about before taking a supplement like that. GNC is an AWESOME tool for the well informed, but the sellers are not always the most knowledgable about your specific issues and goals. It's just my advice, you can take it for what it's worth :)
  • My wife and I both joined this site so that I could put some beer weight off from the military life that I enjoyed a bit too much :P. In one month of following a very stigent diet and exercise plan, 22 pounds have shed away and still more are coming! I wish you luck in your endeavor and bid you greetings from Washington…