ommnomnom Member


  • I have never looked at how many calories I burn over the week. o.o Usually I take track of what MFP says I have leftover during the week and don't feel guilty for my cheat day on the weekend. So, I'm going to aim for the 3500 and see what happens! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: p90x Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Ab Ripper 434 Tues:…
  • Mashed cauliflower is lovely. I do have a serious craving for some real mash now though, with real butter and ff milk. I put a few lumps of mash into a bowl of soup for the ultimate comfort food. I think you can splash out on these things in moderation. If you don't trust yourself to not tear into the leftovers then just…
  • Count me in too, I don't think that I can maintain a 2lb/week loss as atm it's usually less than two, but I would love to be down 20 by xmas.. and then put on a few over the holidays! nom nom nom. - Start weight 134, goal 114 (which is only 2lbs off my ultimate goal) I'm feeling positive just thinking about it!