

  • I just got my bodybugg today (biggest looser V3). I am VERY excited! It was delivered after my workout however so I am not sure if I should start wearing it now or wiat till my workout tomorrow?!??! I am also really liking the ideas of using MFP to log my calories and then just enter them into the bodybugg website. Any…
  • I was also wondering about the sugar. Since I changed my settings to show sugar (and fiber) I have found that I go over my sugar EVERY DAY. (two bananas today pretty much used it all up already). I am glad to know I am not the only one! I agree that the natural sugar in fruit is better but I still think I need to get…
  • I always do the free run w/ sneakers. I take them back off for the the other stuff (like lunges, etc). I am not sure if that is how you are supposed to do it or not, but that is how I do it. PS....the 30 min gets EASIER...I promise! :)
  • Thanks for all the input. I agree with you that the only way is to put in the hard has just been frustrating to not see any difference yet. I am definately not ready to try it would be more of a "last ditch effort" if nothing else worked. I am interested that no one really said anything positive about…