afitch311 Member


  • Hot. Congrats to all of you who are making the strides to make your lives healthier!!
  • Incredible! Thank you so much for sharing your story! Your determination is incredible! Congratulations to you and I wish you continued good luck!
  • Love your story and your motivation!!! I especially love how you mentioned an overall feeling of good health! That is SOOO important! I know too many people who lose weight to "look hot" or to "fit into a bikini for the summer", but they really do not understand how being fit is so much more then that! I originally worked…
  • For me it is school. Last year I became so obsessed with maintaining a 4.0 that I stopped exercising. I had a couple of really hard classes that completely stressed me out, and the combination of stress and not exercising, I gained almost 10 pounds within a few months. This year is the final year in my BA program and while…
  • I think that the fact that you are making a conscious effort to live a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing here. When I first started my weight loss journey 7 years ago after the birth of my daughter, I hit many plateau's. I just kept reminding myself that I did NOT put the weight on over night, and it would take…
  • I had a few friends that used to try to sabotage me. I eventually would avoid as much as possible outings with these people that involved food. I did have someone once actually bring me ice cream when I was trying to lose weight. I did not have the will power then that I do now and of course I ate it and was like, "k so…
  • Sometimes I pop a piece of gum for a sugar fix. Extra gum makes desert flavored gum, apple pie and orange creme pop are amazing!
  • Lol that is too funny! I only on occasion make it to the gym at my apartment complex (I usually do my zumba game or my yoga game), no strippers but I did see this guy who could be Willy Nelson's twin most mornings I went. He would come in, kinda wander around the gym a bit do a few of the upper body machines then get on a…