erynleigh Member


  • Hi everyone! I have 100'pounds to lose. I used MFP a few years ago and had great success. I'd love to share my journey with others and cheer for you on yours. :)
  • Hello everyone, I've been using MFP daily for 4 weeks (as of this coming Monday) and have lost about 13 pounds. I'm proud of my success, but have a long ways to go with over 100 pounds until I reach my goal weight. I'd love to become buddies and support each other on our journeys. Please feel free to add me.
  • Please feel free to add me. I've been using MFP for 4 weeks and would love to share my journey with you and support you on yours! :)
  • Hello everyone. I have around 150 pounds to lose to be my "ideal" weight. This is my second journey with weight loss and my fitness pal. My 40 pound success a few years ago was due to the great support system I had on MFP and the people I connected with. I'd love to share my journey with you and help support you on yours.…
  • Hello Robert. Welcome to My Fitness Pal. I'm in a similar place as you and 1 week into my journey. I'd love to add you and we can support/motivate each other! :)
  • Hello everyone! I am brand new to this site. I have 100+ pounds to lose and would LOVE to be a part of a group where we can share and encourage one another!