

  • Love the Thorsbourne trail ... Did it years ago... This year did the 6 day Jatbula track, near Katherine Gorge in Northern Territory (Australia) we were treated to a different spectacular waterfall everyday and Part of the West Macdonald Ranges - the Larapinta Trail ... Near Alice Springs ... Hiking in the desert was…
  • Also check out Asian grocery stores, they are full of dried veges, tofu and interesting additions to spice up otherwise dull basic foods... Eg dried shiitake mushrooms, nori based rice seasonings... Enjoy
  • While not a vego, I have been in the past, and try to eat vego a few times a week. I love hiking and enjoyed making Dahl, based on red lentils, dried veg and rice. Next time I'll use dehydrated rice, as the rice was quite heavy! All the spices were pre-mixed with the lentils in a zip lock bag, so cooking was easy. The only…