

  • Yeah I think I need to set a cut off time for myself. I think that monks fast for weeks so me not eating after 7pm shouldn't be that difficult
  • I'm a US Army vet. I was originally stationed with the 693rd Quartermaster Company in Bell ,CA. We got deployed to Kuwait from the end of 2002 through the start of 2004. Saying it was humid is the overstatement of the year. I'm happy to be done with my 8 years since I now have a 6 year old who I don't have worry about if I…
  • It's hard to sum up in a few words but after a chapter or two I realized how my expectations and perceptions (paradigms) need to change so I feel good about what I am eating and feeling grateful for moving. It's not that simple though. There is heavy duty scientific, empirical data discussed in the book that lists what…
  • I actually just finished reading your book on my Kindle about a week ago. Reading you book is what has prompted me to get serious about calorie tracking just for the sake of seeing if I can even do it. I never gave it an honest effort (I'm 32). Your book had so many parallels to my own life and how I viewed being heavy,…