

  • After failing miserably yesterday (probably due to my strange mini-period which turned up two weeks later than expected), I'm back on track today. I ran nearly 5 miles! Score: 2 OWLs, 1 NEWT and 65 House points!
  • Didn't sleep very well last night (couldn't stop dancing around madly to Juke Box Hero!) so today I've been a bit hopeless. I got 2 OWLs and 1 NEWT, but only 49 House Points. I was planning to do a second run but I'm really not feeling very energised. I'll endeavour to do more exercise (and revision for my university…
  • Amazing! I wish I were doing so well, haha.
  • Hey guys! I had a bad Saturday night/Sunday morning in terms of eating (started just binge-ing on granola, fruit and nuts. I suppose it could have been worse, really). but today I woke up feeling far more in control. I stayed within my calorie limit and scored 55 House Points, 2 OWLs and 1 NEWT for you guys! Those tricep…
  • Okay, I've input my weight in the spreadsheet in the tab that was specified. I'm going to post my daily OWLs, NEWTs and House Points totals on this forum, since only the HoH is allowed to add these to the table? Also, since we don't have so many people I volunteer to help out with the HoH duties if that's still an issue.…
  • Hey, I'm new to Slytherin. I've been reading through the inter-house rules, but I'm still kind of confused. Do we post our stats on Sunday? And if so, is the link to the spreadsheet (from still valid? I had a look at the OWL and NEWT challenges for…
  • Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll definitely look into buying some of these things - Greek yogurt, definitely!