

  • I have to agree - The MFP formula has accounted for your goal. So if you want to lose 2lbs a week, it puts you at a calorie deficit of 7,000 per week. If that means you should eat 1500 NET calories a day, and you burn 500 in a workout, you MUST replenish and achieve the full 1500. Otherwise, your body will weaken over…
  • It's generally a good idea to mix it up. Try to do at least one day a week with the heaviest weight you can lift for 6-8 reps X three sets, and then at least one day a week with weights you can lift for 12-15 reps X 3 sets. On the heavy days, rest longer between sets, and on the lighter days, take shorter rests. There are…
  • If you hold your breath while exercising, you are doing yourself a disservice. However, to answer your question, when you resume breathing, it will be at an even higher rate than if you had breathed normally in the first place. Or you could just hold your breath until you pass out... But no, you wouldn't necessarily burn…
  • Regarding the O2, when your heart rate increases it requires a greater exchange of gas, thereby causing the same effect as cardio exercise. The reason the heart rate increases is because the hard working muscles are requiring more oxygen which is delivered through the blood. So in fact, a vigorous lifting regimen can burn…