

  • Hi Twisty :) I personally think that everyday should be an "on" day but theres nothing wrong with a few treats now and then. This week Ive been really bad. Ive been keeping to my diet and exercise for 5 days but the two days I was off from work I kinda pigged out and now I have found that I have gained weight which I only…
  • Hi all Im new too, I found this site yesturday and I'm loving it so far. Im from Wales in the UK and Im currently trying for a baby with my fantastic boyfriend, but I know I need to loose a lot of weight first to help with the dam pcos. Its so nice that we are all here supporting each other and its a lot better than Weight…
  • I hate it when the docs say that, they seem to think thats the anwser to everything "Loose weight" yeah right !! Anyway if possible ask to see a different doctor for a second opinion. Some are more understanding than others
  • Im so lucky I dont have any issues with the Metformin. I am on the slow release metformin and take two in the morning with food and I dont have any problems at all. I never heard about the hair loss either. The only real problems I have is very unslightly and horrible hairy patch under my chin which I literally have to…
  • Hi I've been on the slow release Metformin for 6 months now and I must be one of those lucky ones that has a cast iron stomach because I havent had any side effects at all. But I havent lost any weight as a result of being on them :(