

  • That you like to ride bike?! YAY
  • I am 5'4" and have been around 135-140 since I have had kids and I am happy at 130, no muffin top or anything, I am almost there and hate those last few pounds, but you have to go by how you feel and how big boned you are, you cannot expect to be 120 something if you are big boned, it's just not going to happen. go by how…
  • Try taking Magnesium, I take it every night and have not had any issues, I also drink lots of water, coffee and exercise. I am also on 2 oz of aloe juice a day! or go have a colonic done, that is dangerous to be backed up like that, it starts rotting in there and makes you feel very bad!
  • You can try Beach Body Insanity workout, it's a lot of toning, really hard workout. or just go to and see what workouts you can do with them and it is FREE workouts. Hope it helps and keep up the good work. :wink: