clange68 Member


  • Sw 184 Gw 130 90 day Gw 170
  • I was think of going either P90X or Turbo Fire. I will just have to see how much fat I still have around my middle as Turbo Fire is Cardio intense and hope that will get off any fat that I may have left. Just not sure yet they both are hour programs and will be easier to do during the summer for me as I don't work in the…
  • I agree the first week of each new workouts I think will be the hardest but I was so amazed when I start week two how much stronger I am already. I can already do some military push ups and day one I could not do even One and modified where hard. I love this program. I am not bored or think I can't do this about the time I…
  • I have previewed workout 3 and to say she ups the game is an understatement, but I am ready for it. I can't believe how much stronger I am already. Not really sure how much wieght I have lost because I took my scale away for a month...I can tell you my clothes fit different already. I am loving this program and so glad I…
  • Can't believe we only have to do Workout 1 and 2 one more time before we move on!
  • Hi everyone! I am 43 years old and have 3 grown children two girls 23 and 21 and a son that is 20. I also have 3 grandkids and one more in June. I live with my boyfriend of 5 years. I also am a school teacher and coach. Like any women with kids, grandkids and a job I am busy. I was 19 when I had my first child and 22 when…
  • Great Job everyone!! :smile: I had my boyfriend take my scale but with your guys great lose really want to check mine. So when I got to school this morning went to the nurses office and I had lost 5 pounds on her scale. YA!!!! I know my clothes fit better and I have so much energy. Keep up the great work and have a great…
  • All I can say is WOW I am so sore!! My students asked me today if I was okay because I was walking to love 6th grades they pull no punches. I can honestly say there is not a place on my body that does not hurt! Which is great it means it is working. I have been doing the workouts and I have actually got up in…
  • Day 2 I am not a morning person at all. I love to sleep in and I know that I will not get up an hour early to workout before work so this week I am just doing both workouts after I get home. I may change once school lets out for the summer and I can get up when I want not when my alarm says I have too. I had the turkey…
  • I to do not like Greek yogart so I mixed it half and half with my organic vanille yogart and with the cin. and almonds could eat it. I read some where to do this and just slowly increase the amount of greek yogart and you will be able to make the switch. It is better for us but I am with you it taste really bad right now.
  • I started this morning...workout was great but I have a headache from no soda! I am doing the kickstart program and following the food plan.