

  • That's how it goes. It IS water weight usually, day to day weighing in can stress you out (I know, because I do it! Haha)!! Each and every time I hit a wall, I just didn't give up and I did something to shock my body! For instance, I'd still maintain my 1200 calories a day (consumed), but I would up my hiking (my exercise…
  • You go girl! That's actually a huge step! (Cutting out the Pepsi!)
  • It's awesome that you're here and you're watching those calories, but calorie counting alone won't do! Try to get that exercise in, you won't regret it!!
  • There are things you can do to exercise at home or even with a broken ankle. If you have access to a swimming pool, that's GREAT EXERCISE and easy enough on your ankle. But you can also do things like lie on the floor and do leg lifts (no pressure on the ankle with that, yet burns calories) and you can also lie on your…