

  • I totally believe that there is a difference in body frames. I am 5'6" and have a large frame and am striving for a goal weight of 160.
  • Full time working single mom of two very active boys. I also would like to add some friends that are in the same boat. Totally understand how hard it is to find time to fit exercise into your schedule. I've been taking my boys to the park(weather permitting 3-4 times a week and let them play while I walk around the park…
  • My goal would be to lose at least 50lbs. I just started so I'll probably be around a while and can always use some motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi Carla, My name is Toni and I have just recently discovered MFP but am loving it so far. Only been on two weeks and am finding it extremely hard to stay under the whole calories thing(but I swear I'm trying) so you probably won't want to steal any diary tips from me. I'm also looking to lose about 40lbs. I'm a single…