RIGHT ON!:happy:
Boy, I never really thought about this. You bring up some good points. I look forward to see what others say. For me, anyone who wanted to chat I am open to. I have only a few friends, and I have been guilty of going off line for a few months. Just back now and I like it. I feel better knowing others are out there trying…
bump? what do you mean:love:
What is your overall protein intake for the day? Sometimes plataues come and stay around for weeks. Hang in there. Try to take measurements. Protein is important to feel full and build. How many calories is this drink? Maybe switch brands to a lower carb count and go for more protein. I use one from Trader Joes. Good luck.
I like to start meal planning with protein. Does heat fish? How about chicken. Then add lots of green veggies. Measure the pasta or rice. For desert use fresh fruit with whipped cream! Now I am hungry Johnni
Glad to hear you have goals. I have lost over 120 pounds. Stayed about the same for about 4 years. Now need to lose more. Try a recumbant bike. Easy on the joints. Warm water exericse is good too. Take care, keep posting. If you want to add me as a friend, glad to chat a few times a week Johnni
I like JAMICA with lime juice. I cut up a whole one, trim the brown off, slice into french fry pieces. Enjoy!
Take fiber tablets. There are some great ones on the market. no gas forming, ask your pharmacy.
I like to think in terms of rewards, non food related rewards that is. If I complete this than I get a massage on Sunday. Enjoy!
Good luck Kimberly. I have always wanted to go to MB. Have a great time. Think about how you will enjoy the sites, don't stress about what you wear. JH
What does a shred consist of? I might try it with you. Johnni in Long Beach, CA
Hi: New to this site. The distrubtor of the bands has exercise programs as well. Think I will dust off my old ones and give them a try -- many new resources listed here. Thanks all. PS- what is bump? I am a newbie
HI, My name is Johnni. I have had problems with night time eating as well. A few ideas. - create something fun for you to do in the evening that is non-food related -start a craft or hobby that keeps your hands busy -chew gum -brush your teeth -ride the craving wave... watch a timer for 5 minutes, if the craving is still…