YarnAndWhiskey Member


  • tagging for later use
  • Those look awesome! Going to have to try those this weekend!
  • This made my morning. And I nearly fell out of my chair which caused my husband to start laughing at me, so all in all - amazing!
  • Hi all Grew up just outside of Flint in Swartz Creek, now living in Ypsilanti and working in Ann Arbor! It's great to see all of the michigan people here!
  • KatyE213 - the other name for cilantro is fresh coriander... And I second the person who said that this list makes me hungry! Haven't come across any that I don't like yet!
  • Go for it!! I didn't even hit a 12-minute mile on my first 5K, but I finished! And others have said it, but it's worth saying again - it doesn't matter how fast you finish, you're still lapping everyone on the couch.
  • Grew up in Swartz Creek, now I'm in Ypsilanti :-)
  • I went to the gym and used the treadmill to figure out what mph to log things as... didn't actually run the C25K workout I was working on, just played with things until I was at a "comfortable" pace and it would tell me how fast I was going for the run and the walk portions. Then I just used those mph "settings" to log in…
  • Wearing my favorite jeans from my senior year in high school, which was 10 years ago (and they're a little bit loose!!!). They were tucked away in a box of clothes I never thought I would be able to wear again because they were "too small"!
  • Beans & brown rice. I cook up a double batch of rice and have it in the fridge and then add half of a rinsed can of beans to about a half a cup of rice and thrown in veggies that I'm in the mood for. It's complete protein, not overly fatty, and super versatile. If you have cooked greens of some sort (spinach, chard, kale,…
  • I usually have pretty good luck with finding the larger sizes of wicking/breathable workout clothes at either Meijer or Target (I'm in Michigan so YMMV). The meijer near me even has a pretty decent selection of sports bras for light to medium impact stuff (they label it as "high impact" but it's just not so for us girls…
  • I've been vegetarian before and my girlfriend is a conditional vegetarian (she won't cook meat for herself but if someone else is making dinner she will eat it) and the biggest thing for me when I was eating that way was getting away from the "replacement" mentality (i.e. what do I replace meat with in this recipe). It's…
  • Hi my name is Tessie and I'm also a recovering Anti-Runner! I started C25K about a year ago and just this week conquered week 5. I was terrified of running when I first started because there are knee and hip problems that run in my family and my knees were already popping before I started the program. But you know what?…