I should’ve put a link to the restaurant, but assumed everyone on here lived in the States - silly really thinking about it. Their website - - is woeful and confusing and no indication of how good the place is. They have two locations. The restaurant is at 3 Piccadilly Place, London W1J 0DB – a tiny…
I logged it as 30 pieces of California roll assuming MTP was referring to small rolls and that I'd essentially had 15 large rolls. That came to 750 which was a bit of guess hence the request for an accurate estimate.
I doing walking and mountain biking. I'll leave mountain biking to one side as unless you have a bike already it's a bit costly to pick up. I try to go for a walk everyday during my lunch hour at work for about 45 mins, walking as fast as I can. But rather than see it as exercise I have to do and make it a chore I do it…