

  • I rocked today! Breakfast: Bowl of cereal and a banana. Lunch: Went out to eat, but I figured out calories and was able to get a VERY filling meal and eat the entire plate for only 470 calories! Gotta love Applebees :) Snack: Really wanted some ice cream, so I got some from the ice cream truck. Only 100 calories, though!…
  • I haven't made any effort to track these past couple of days! It's been so bad :( I can already feel that I've gained a substantial amount of weight already! My inspiration to get back on track: I just found out I have to get my senior pictures done before Christmas. I've gotta look great!!!! So if I can lose at least 15…
  • Getting super frustrated. Today ran the same pattern as any other day. Super great breakfast, had some granola bites and a banana. Lunch was good, on the run but good. I had a sandwich on the 100 calorie whole grain sandwich bread rounds, with some yummy deli chicken and muenster cheese! My mom made banana muffins which…
  • Your body actually fluctuates up and down a LOT during the day, so no worries! It's normal. That's why doctors recommend only weighing yourself once a day and make it the same time every time you weigh yourself so it's at least somewhat comparable. (:
  • So yesterday actually went pretty well for being out of town! The hotel we stayed at served a continental breakfast in the morning. I had a scoop of oatmeal with some raisins and nuts mixed in, as well as some pineapple. I also treated myself to two little muffins, since I'd hardly eaten anything the last two days! I'm so…
  • I'm actually fasting for religious purposes today so all I have had is a cup of grapes and lots of water! I wasn't actually even going to have any food but I was getting some headaches so I figured I'd better eat something so I didn't get sick. I will be continuing my fast until tomorrow at dinner time, which unfortunately…
  • Today was pretty good! I got up early and did a basic pilates workout. It wasn't hard, I don't think I even broke a sweat, but it was just to learn the basics and work on form. Even though it wasn't hard, I could still feel it working my core! I stuck to my calorie plan earlier today very well! I had eggs, toast, and…
  • I am a Pinterest-aholic. Whenever I am in need of motivation, I always go there to find great quotes or inspiring pics! Here's my favorite, maybe it'll help inspire you too! "When you're about to have a bite of that cookie or those chips or that pizza, DON'T ask yourself, 'Do I really want to eat this?' because it's chips,…
  • Oh, and my starting weight is 170 lbs. My goal weight is 135 lbs. My email address in case you need to contact me outside of this website is (: