JustinAnimal Member


  • Oh, like, instead of having six craft beers you satisfy those "cravings" with like three domestics and a few whiskey shots? We talking the same thing?
  • No one ever told me that, if you're insanely neurotic (sort of like me... sort of...) the more weight you lose, the WORSE you will feel about yourself. I know this isn't following the positivity of the OP, but gotdayamn that's got to be the most frustrating part for me.
  • Ugh, that dull pain in the back of the head and where the neck meets your skull... get that one all too frequently. It can be a bit de-motivating.
  • My main issue was holding my breath, but that's obviously not the case. I remember a time when I had headaches and it lasted for a couple of weeks. Maybe just rest and give it some time off. I feel like our bodies do a lot of whacky *kitten* that even doctors don't understand the cause of. Maybe it isn't something obvious…
  • "I'd rather have a beer."
  • I'd agree with part 3 in the above post. I try to go two weeks without alcohol for each one that I do. The reality is far different from what I planned, but that's the advice I have for you.
  • Rather than worry about low calorie, I go for what feels more real. Homemade! Nothing beats it. Homemade ranch: -equal parts mayonaise and sour cream (experiment with low or reduced fat; honestly, I use nonfat plain greek yogurt in place of the sour cream and use minimal mayo) -liberal dashes of dill, garlic powder, fresh…
  • You're good, didn't come across as offended. I just like to be careful. I've spoken too freely in the past, assuming people know when I'm joking or not, and it's gotten me into trouble. Better safe than sorry, which is probably my liver's mantra at this point, hoping the sentiment will leak into my subconscious.
  • No offense was intended. I tend to speak in hyperbole. No, I haven't hidden alcohol from my family or drank at work or do many of the things I was taught it took to be a true alcoholic. I apologize if the terminology was offensive. I am truly not one, although I believe I have some serious tendencies. Again, I didn't mean…
  • Baz, that's my new revelation. I guess I may have already said this. I just turned 36 and need to bear in mind it isn't just the excess calories, it's the damage. Anyway, I got wooed five times for my original post? Por que?
  • Well, it's good to see few responses. Way to be healthy, responsible lifters. I agree that it isn't sustainable. I'm working through the psychology of cutting way back, not just for calories but for the fact that it's poison and will probably kill me or aid something else in doing so. Gypsy, appreciate the response. I'm…
  • Yeah, it's all about pushing through those slumps. I usually stay motivated, in terms of diet, for about a week or three. After that, I want to fall off the rails and drink every night (strangely, eating excessively isn't much of a problem). When I DO fall off the rails with diet, I make sure to push myself to continue to…
  • I have a little trouble with this sentiment. People who murder aren't murderers? I understand not punishing an addict for their behavior, and, I suppose, overeating is an addiction in many rights if not all of them. Still... having trouble finding the words. I don't think people should be shamed... but I think our actions…
  • [/quote] This deserves repeating. I think that before we can want better for ourselves we must learn to accept who we are. No need to say more...the above post says it all. [/quote] I don't disagree, but also I was about to type that I used to be in gigantic denial. At almost 300 pounds, I could turn sideways, suck in my…
  • compound lifts engage the core pretty frequently. I've heard people say to leave the planks alone and focus yourself on compound lifts. Deadlift Squat Lunge Shoulder Press Bent over row jerk, clean, press, some combination of those things my students clarified that planks do also engage shoulders burpees rock everyone's…
  • It's a mindset thing, at least personally. It's just like getting up in the morning. If I didn't, I'd lose my job (among other things). If I don't work out, and to echo other posters, I know I'd feel like crap and be in a worse mood for my kids and students and I'd start to deteriorate physically and when I don't look…
    in Gym Comment by JustinAnimal April 2019
  • You have to stay strong. Also, seeing my wife lose weight has ALWAYS been the thing that has kicked me in the butt. She has semi-visible abs, she's worked so hard over the last five months, and I'm finally like "goddamn, time to move it!" I hope for you that your spouse feels some pressure and becomes more supportive than…
  • I know you didn't want an answer, but I'm an English teacher / dork so... Colonel is like a column-el, as in someone at the head of a column. That's the (incredibly simplified) etymology, anyway. Not sure why the "r" in February... or even what February is named after. I DO know that that "n" in Wednesday is because it's…
  • I enjoyed this. I know a lot of people who could use this advice. My kids would be a lot more CONVENIENT if I simply never paid attention to them. I almost took offense to your last line, because I don't stop moving between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m.... I suppose that's where being hands-on with your kids and your house and your…
  • Yeah, I drink too much diet Pepsi. Not more than a liter a day and usually more like two liters per week total. I still feel like it's going to give me cancer; although, I've heard it said that that particular logic is woo.
  • Agree with Amanda. Set yourself up for success. For me, that means just not having beer / wine / liquor, chocolate, or candy generally in the house. I also have to set that damn alarm for plenty early, so there are no excuses not to work out (I understand you work out already; just intended as an example).
  • I appreciate all of the feedback. It hasn't improved and I will be seeing my physician. It still doesn't hurt, but is really weak and can't put forth much effort.
  • Pompeii by Bastille. I wish it didn't, stupid goddamn song. It's linked with a memory / time period. I second the sentiment about lazy day with my daughter... until she came out a total hellion! There will be no lazy Sundays with that little conqueror.
  • Not all pasta is spaghetti, although all spaghetti is pasta. Some pasta fits into a cup. Elbow macaroni, for example, would fit just fine. Or the small or medium shells.
  • In the recent past, I've weighed myself in the morning and afternoon and had close to a 10 pound discrepancy. I went from 233 to 224 in one day. I did a lot of sweating and flushing water, and I'm not sure what else dictates daily weight fluctuations. Anyway, other people's advice on here is great. Don't weigh yourself so…
  • Really? Just for fatigue? I don't have extreme pain or lack of mobility... it just won't hold the weight it was holding last week and the week before.
  • "Daddy, you're my best friend." He says it of his giant, stuffed cow, too, but it still makes my day.
  • Oh, I didn't realize we were discussing obesity like obesity on paper. Yeah, I'm obese, too. Or I should say I just left it. Most of those charts tell you to disregard or take with a grain of salt if you strength train / lift weights. My relatives are not body-builders.
  • To sympathize with the OP's confusion, I have family members who are morbidly obese. Like, not healthy by anyone's definition. Loss of function like picking things up or climbing stairs. They quite regularly post a lot of fat-acceptance... I don't know... memes? Things like: "Your body is a garden; let is flourish." I…
  • I made it two weeks with no alcohol. It is flu-induced, so it feels like cheating, but between that and legit weight loss in the new year, I've maxed out all of my belts. I can't pull them tight enough. I fit into my old Oregon polo. Our custodian, Gustavo, told me I look skinny. I'll take it.