maryb2374 Member


  • I do think you need to see a doctor just to get checked out. If the pain is muscular, it could be what this person said. When my lower back is tight and sore it is usually after I've worked out my outer thighs/butt muscles and haven't stretched them out well. Or I had a very bad habit of crossing one ankle over my knee and…
  • Thanks for the kind words. I actually didn't change my numbers until about 3 weeks ago (May 14). One other thing I did to help me decide to increase my calories was that I got a Fitbit. I was able to see that I burn about 2300 calories/day on average. So 1800 is about 500 less than that. And those numbers matched the…
  • You and I have very similar stats. I am 5'5" and started the year at 175 pounds. I lost 10 pounds on my own but wasn't really looking at calorie intake and gained back 5 which is when I signed up here at MFP at the end of March. I was at 170 then and today weighed 151.2. My goal is 135. I originally had my numbers set by…
  • Ditto. I am hoping to catch it today while folding laundry. I was so excited to see it show up in my taped shows. Sounds like it was a great story.
  • I am a SAHM to 4 boys ages 9, 8, 5 and 3. During the school year I do work the school care program at the older boys' school but I take the little ones with me when I work so I consider myself a SAHM.
  • I just looked at your photos and I can definitely tell a difference! Way to go! How do you like Ripped in 30? I'm sure I'll do that at some point but I needed a Jillian break after the 30 Day Shred. My husband and I just started Gilad's Quick Fit System on Monday. It's a 12 week thing but my hubby is traveling for work in…
  • I understand where you're coming from. I wish I had the time to listen to/watch the news more. I am sure I will once the election gets closer. Ever since I quit working to stay home with my first son 9 years ago I have felt somewhat isolated from the "real world". It is better now that the three oldest are in school and I…
  • Not really a recipe exactly, but yesterday I read on the boards about mixing chocolate protein powder with greek yogurt and adding strawberries. I did this today and it was like chocolate pudding. So yummy and a ton of protein. Those chocolate pb protein balls look really good, too. :smile:
  • I have accepted your friend request but it still shows up at the top of the screen - the little friend icon. I'm not sure when that goes away.
  • I haven't read the book (I'm going to buy it soon) but I love their podcasts on fat2fitradio.
  • I don't get tingly exactly but sometimes I get itchy in my legs mostly. A couple of weeks ago I started breaking out in hives after exercising but that went away after about a week. Very bizarre. Usually the itchiness (w/o hives) happens when I haven't done an exercise before - like when I first start working out after…
  • Ditto on the Pure Protein bars. I've only tried the Chocolate Deluxe ones but they are good. I've tried their chocolate and vanilla shakes and I prefer the chocolate ones. I wasn't a big fan of the vanilla so I gave them to hubby to take to work b/c he likes vanilla over chocolate and skips breakfast a lot. I also like…
  • Not sure why it would be dangerous. I am home with my 4 kids. Every once in a while I'll catch the local news. Hubby is a news junkie so if I want to find out about something specific I've heard a snippet about, I'll ask him for the details.
  • Of all those things you listed, talk radio and reading are the ones I do the most. I see about 1 movie a year in theaters. Occasionally I'll get one from the library and if I have time I'll watch it. I do record some shows and watch them after the kids are in bed while I fold laundry. I prefer to read mysteries and I…
  • What app is this? It sound intriguing.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's friend's mom. So sad to lose a mom so young. Good for you for taking this step to make yourself healthier. You can do this!
  • Yay! I finished it up, too. I'm starting Gilad's Quick Fit System on Monday with my husband. Good luck with your next fitness adventure!
    in Level 3 Comment by maryb2374 May 2012
  • Hello everyone! :smile: I'm a 38 year old SAHM of 4 boys. I have been here at MFP since late March but started working out consistently in January. When I first got to MFP it had me at around 1400 calories a day and then I would eat back my exercise calories (but not all). Last Monday (the 14th) I changed my calories to…
  • No picnicking exactly but camping with Cub Scouts. I don't think I'm actually sleeping over b/c I think it will be too much for my little guy but we'll go for the fun day stuff.
  • I thought the same exact thing! Pot, meet Kettle.
  • Yes, what he said! TDEE Is your total daily energy expenditure. Mine is about 2300/day so I eat about 1800 a day. My BMR is 1400 so I try never to go below that number in my net calories. You should aim so your net calories (the number on your home page) stays above 1775/day.
  • That looks so yummy! Thanks for the pictures, too!
  • Thanks! :smile:
  • How did it go? I started on Monday. I think I like it the best of all the levels so far but I have bruises on my legs from the weighted jumping jacks. :laugh: I have burned more calories on this level than Level 2 and I have to pause it more often to get my HR down. Definitely more intense.
    in Level 3 Comment by maryb2374 May 2012
  • I know you didn't quote me but I have the FT7 and the chest strap is very comfy. The first day it felt a little weird but now I don't even notice I'm wearing it.
  • I just got this type a couple weeks ago and I also love it.
  • I think it's probably very normal if you haven't worked out in over a year. I've been working out since the second week of January doing various things and I was hurting quite a bit when I started the 30DS. One thing you may want to do is to alternate 30DS with cardio days. I have never done the Shred more than 2 days in a…