

  • I am still on my anti depressant, have been for almost a year, in that year I have put on about 25lbs, I work out 3x/wk minium, and eat right. But the weight won't come off, I like what the med does for my mood. But my weight is really getting to me. I have to speak with my doctor. Maybe once I come off of it the weight…
  • well that would be me lol. I have just quit in Janurary, I am 12 weeks today I have put on a few pounds and that was with excercising and dieting, but my Doc says that smoking is a natural weight loss (don't quote that) and that is why while I smoked I stayed at a lower weight. She said to just keep going and it will come…
  • Oh boy I feel very confused reading this.
  • Weekends seem to be my tough area too!! I seem to eat great when I am at work, but also keep in mind that this was Easter weekend. when you fall off get back on and keep going! You can do it :)
  • WOW, great advice, Just getting worried something was wrong I have been going strong for 3 months and haven't lost a pound.
    in Help! Comment by Rachel2617 April 2012
  • Thank you so much for all the advice!! maybe I should leave the scale alone for awhile, and just keep pushing myself. :) thank you
    in Help! Comment by Rachel2617 March 2012
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