You will like the contour KB. I have several. Going for 35# next purchase. I own multiple DVDs and rotate through. I suggest watching some great tips from Geoff Neupert and Chris Lopez. Both know their stuff and are RKC certified. You'll love them!
Excelente. Otros que hablan. Quizas tendre mas ganas de expresarme sobre los desafios de la vida con respeto a la salud. Me encanta hablar espanol pero no es mi lengua natal. Tambien el frances me sirve muy bien. Saludos a todos y que todos tengamos muchas ganas de seguir la conversacion.
See a doctor. Eat protein for less blood sugar fluctuations. Keep fruit handy for quick sugar spike if you get into trouble. I had a friend whose sister died of a hypoglycemic coma so please take this seriously. I too am hypoglycemic but control it this way.
Kettlebells are excellent burning machines!
I was curling my eyelashes once and my elbow slipped off the counter. Lost all my eyelashes on that eye and was quite painful! I never curled them again....
Leave the pit in the center and it will keep!