Really great job, keep up the good work. You look great!
I can understand were you're coming from, because I struggle from the same issue. I wish I had an answer for you and me. I think when we lose enough weight the fat in our faces will go to. One thing I have noticed is people that lift weights have noticeably lean toned faces as well, so I have strarted lifting 10 lb.…
It's great isn't it!! :smile:
I do cardio and then strength training.45 minutes of cardio followed by 10 minutes of strength training.
Amen to that!!!
I think the one on here is wrong. I'd go with the one on the net or try checking a couple of different sites to see how accurate that is.
I have never been diagnosed with a thyroid problem but I am wondering if that could be my problem. I have been tested in the past but they didn't find anything wrong. I have an unusual reaction to medicine. Anytime I take any type of acid reflux medicine or pain medicine my heartrate skyrockets for hours and my heart…
Dido....dang Easter!! I say when you fall of the wagon just get back on! It's all you can do. It's okay to let yourself splurge ocassionally.
Wow.....I can relate. I do the same thing. I wish I had the answers for you but since I do the same thing I'm afraid I'm no help. Hopefully someone on here can give us some advice:)
Great job girl! Keep up the good work!