

  • Honestly, I've always thought myself "thinner" than pictures portray. Although pictures keep me humble...I have no problem with "thinking thin" and I actually think this has helped me lose weight over the past year. Now that people are starting to notice, I just use that as my motivation to keep going. Pictures really help…
  • All of these are just too hilarious and makes me completely thankful that I don't work closely with people like this! :) Of course we aren't a perfect group, but most of the quirks I can just let roll off my back. I don't think I could stand half the things people posted and not sure I would last long! LOL
  • I agree! I have heard that it is a myth that there is even really a difference between the two. My doctor told me that anyway when I got stretch marks while pregnant. Tanning does make them less visible. I am extremely pale, so they are also hard to see on me. I wish I could tan, but unfortunately I can't. :) Good luck. I…