

  • I have been taking the Acai supplement. But I was not sure if the Colon Cleansing really flattens your belly, That is my problem area. Thanks Ladies:smile:
  • Has any one tried this? You see it everywere on the internet. I was just wondering if it really works. Thanks
  • :bigsmile: I hope I can join this thread. I started Turbo Jam a week ago, ( 2nd time around) 1st time I gave up. But sticking with it. I just wish I can get the moves down better. I have 20 min and the Ab jam down, But the Cardio kicks my butt everytime:angry: I have been mixing it up with Ten Minute Trainer. Not to bad a…
  • If you get any ideas can you please share.:smile: I am struggling to get to 1200 Good Calories. Thanks:bigsmile: