debi_f Member


  • I don't have a recent photo of myself up there. I've gained at least 15 pounds since my thinnest one... As for the competing... I don't. I just like running more than anything else I've tried. ;-)
  • I've posted there and am waiting to hear something back. Hopefully I can get a new plan in place, because I can't keep going the way I've been going.
  • Well, definitely not in the last few days.... I've been in "depression" mode and haven't been able to get off my bum... ;-)
  • I'm gaining weight right now and have been since Feb. My average net kcal total is under 1000/day. Lowering my intake and upping my cardio is just not an option anymore! I'd like to actually survive this lifestyle change!
  • Actually, no one said that running 4X a week was too much cardio. The problem is that I've screwed up my metabolism through eating too few calories and doing too much cardio for too long, and I need to reset it. One of the main recommendations is that I cut back on cardio, up my caloric intake and start lifting heavy to…
  • Thanks all! I know I just need to go and get it done. Maybe it won't be so bad once I get into a groove, but.... ahhh! Just the thought of it... AHHH! Now, to get myself motivated by tomorrow morning... (the gyms around here close by 1:00 on the weekends, so it's too late to go now. Oh, darn!).
  • Ha ha! I actually had to give up a job I loved to follow my husband to Europe. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to work here (being just a dependent on his work permit). So my "job" now is writing novels. That, I actually LOVE doing! Who else gets to sit around and make stuff up all day long? ;-) I don't get paid for it, but…
  • I went to the website you mentioned and filled in my numbers (sw was 186; cw 137; lowest weight 117), and the BMR ranged from 1271 to 2065, and the TDEE ranged from 2065 to 2342 depending on the method used to calculate (I also tried a couple of different BF %, since I have no real idea what my BF really is! Ha ha!) I…
  • The pita is a low fat, low carb version, not your average pita. As for the bacon, i cook it in the oven, which cuts down on the fat a bit. I freely admit, though, that I have no idea on the actual calorie count having merely looked for an average number many moons ago and using that same count whenever I make bacon. It…
  • I went back and read that post. There are definitely similarities! I did manage to lose 70+ pounds, though. Also, I don't live on convenience or pre-packaged foods (I make 90% of my food from scratch), I'm not sedentary (in fact yesterday and today have been my "laziest" in months), and I'm not plateau-ed (I'm Gaining like…
  • Pregnant? NOOOO! *runs away and hides* While I did have a late start with kids (I was 32, 36 and 41 when my kids were born), I'm certainly not planning on having any more of my own! Ha ha! As for the tape measure vs. scale -- neither one is my friend right now. And for gaining ALL the weight back -- I understand that I…
  • WARNING: WHINY POST AHEAD!! Okay, you've been warned. I read through all the answers again this morning (after sleeping on all the info I'd seen last night), and I have to admit to feeling totally defeated. For the last year and a half, I've watched every morsel that entered my mouth and counted every calorie to the best…
  • Thank you to those who've given me serious advice. I really, truly appreciate it! And yes, this 49-year-old woman screwed up. I gained way too much weight and then lost it the wrong way. Call it stupidity, naivete, whatever you want. But it is what it is, and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it on my own. I…
  • Thank you to those who've given me serious advice. I really, truly appreciate it! And yes, this 49-year-old woman screwed up. I gained way too much weight and then lost it the wrong way. Call it stupidity, naivete, whatever you want. But it is what it is, and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it on my own. I…
  • Do any of you have good sights or books or blogs or vlogs (etc., etc., etc.) that you would recommend for resetting one's metabolism. I've done google searches and such, but there's so much out there, and it's oftentimes so contradictory. Has anyone done one of these that has worked? And any of you who have accomplished a…
  • That is exactly what happened to me! My advice would be to read up on the things these folks are saying now, so you don't run into this problem. It stinks big time! I feel like I'm trying so hard and losing ground everyday.
  • Thanks, everyone for replying. I do measure out everything that doesn't come pre-weighed. For instance, if I use a package of 400 grams of chicken, then eat a quarter of it, I don't measure to make sure I get exactly 100 g if I make it into a stir-fry, but I will weigh a chunk of breast if I eat it separately. I eat a lot…
  • Sorry, my reply sounds snarkier than it was meant to be. I'm just really confused. Thanks for the suggestions. I followed the link, and I think I'll do a bit more reading there this afternoon! I'll also check out the YouTube suggestion. As for the Diet Pepsi, yes, I know it's poison. I've read all the horrible articles...…
  • Thank you, I'll check them out! Wow, how low do I have to go to be in a deficit then? Granted, I'm not a perfect logger, but I do weigh 99% of what I eat, and I log everything except the odd tastes here and there (this is not a daily practice, mind you). Sometimes my salad will have 3 rather than 2 cherry tomatoes or 5…
  • I do this allllll the time! It's a great way to focus on something other than how much "pain" you're in. Definitely give it a try -- there are loads of great books out there.
  • Renee, the link is on the way! Tea Party, good luck with the race this Sunday! You'll do great!
  • Thanks so much! I looked at the training schedule, and it looks completely do-able!
  • Congratulations on doing the 10K! Your accomplishment definitely gives me hope!
  • You're right! I just need to "do" it! And the race is here in Etten-Leur on Oct. 27. If you come run with me, I'll even make dinner for you (and yours, of course)!! Heck, I'll even have hubby provide chiropractic care!
  • Thank you so much! I think I've found a good training plan that will fit into my schedule. Now to overcome the fear factor! I know some runs are better than others, so I just need to apply that knowledge to races...
  • Thanks all. I'm not worried about impressing anyone, but imagine going to do something for the first time and having someone giving you the "instructions" in Chinese or Greek or some other language you don't speak. It was more a matter of nerves and anxiety, and my family refused to come with me (even for moral support)…
  • I feel your pain! I reached my goal weight and then started allowing myself a few extra calories (but still staying around 1200 per day). I gained a few pounds and panicked. Of course, I cut the calories back down and upped the exercise. And gained a couple more pounds. I drank more water and upped the exercise. And gained…
  • I prefer running in the morning. I drag myself out of bed (never said I liked getting out of bed), get into my running gear, then set off. Generally, the first 2-3 minutes are "groggy," but after that, I start to feel energized and strong. Having an empty stomach means there's nothing sloshing around in there to give me…
  • I also thought the 11 and 12% were a bit off. As for ovulating... well, I am 49 years old... That's not much of a worry at the moment. ;-) The reason I want to know is because my weight has been going up, though my measurements have been staying pretty much the same. I figured the only other real measurement to make check…