samgamgee Member


  • I'm 5 foot 3, and 9 stone 3 lbs (129 lbs). I eat around 1630 calories a day, and burn off about 250 through walking to create a half pound a week deficit. I've lost 2 stone 3 lbs (31 lbs) in 14 months and have 9 lbs left.
  • It weirds me out that in America it's legal to say something has 0 calories if it's less than 5. In the UK we have different rules and I log my Diet Coke (0.4 cal per 100 ml) and my olive oil spray (2 cal per pump). More than anything it's about awareness for me - if I get into the headspace of 'oh I won't log that, it…
  • Your muscles often retain water when you start a new exercise regime :) plus bodies fluctuate naturally, it's perfectly normal. You should definitely get into the habit of weighing absolutely all of your food, it will 100% help you know exactly how many calories you are putting in your body. Peanut butter can be sneaky, my…
  • Name: Sam Age: 25 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (May 1): 130 lbs Goal Weight (June 1): 126 Weigh-ins (week of...): May 1: 130 May 8: May 15: May 22: May 29: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Name: Sam Age: 25 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (April 1): 133.6 Goal Weight (May 1): 130 Weigh-ins (week of...): April 1: 133.6 April 8: 131.6 April 15: 129.8 April 22: 131 April 29: 130.2 Weight -/+ this week: - 0.8 Weight -/+ this month: - 3.4 Successes/struggles: My weight's been insanely up and down this month as my body…
  • Gin & slimline tonic, spirits with diet mixers, dry sparkling wine... If it's specifically a cocktail you're after then I'd second the recommendation of a mojito or a martini. Basically anything which isn't sticky and sweet.
  • You're small already, so like others have said 1.5 lbs in two weeks is wonderful, well done! Keep your sodium down in the run up to the event so you aren't retaining water, and enjoy the big day :)
  • Was able to take advantage of a 60% off dress sale where the only remaining sizes were small sizes!
  • Sorry you're having a hard time! The general advice is to give a pill three months to settle down, but if you went on it in January and you're still feeling emotional and rubbish you might want to ask your doctor to put you on a different pill. I tried a couple which weren't good for my emotional state before going on…
  • Twinsies :)
  • Holy moley batman, my goal jeans do up!! It's a tight fit and there's a substantial amount of muffintop going on, but wow. The annoying thing is that they're American jeans (Gap size 1) and I don't know how that converts to British sizes.
  • 5'4" MFP start weight: 160 April start weight: 134 April 4: 133.6 April 11: 132.4 April 18: 128.6 April 25: Goal for April 30: 127 !!! I've lost so much weight this week! It HAS to be something to do with changing my method of birth control - I've found it easier to stick to my calorie goals but I think some water weight…
  • @MaryamCh2013 yeah, usually about 6pm :)
  • @MaryamCh2013 thanks for the kind words! Usually in the hour before I eat, so I don't have to wait too long afterwards - or if I run during the day, I have a small high protein snack afterwards :)
  • Just updating to say that I'm now just 10 lbs away from my goal of 120, yay! Intermittent Fasting is amazing for keeping me full and satisfied on 1200 calories.
  • I've gone from 160 with a 33 inch waist to 130 with a 28.5 inch waist, and would like to get down to 120 with a 27 inch waist. After that, I might lose up to 10 lbs more depending on how I look and feel...
  • I hit 130! Next mini goal is 125, and a 28 inch waist.
  • Name: Sam Age: 25 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (April 1): 133.6 Goal Weight (May 1): 130 Weigh-ins (week of...): April 1: 133.6 April 8: 131.6 April 15: 130 April 22: April 29: Weight -/+ this week: - 1.6 lbs Weight -/+ this month: - 3.6 lbs Successes/struggles this week: Omg I hit my goal for the end of the month already!…
  • Just an update to say that I'm still rocking on OMAD most days, hit 130 today! Had a couple of busy weekends full of overeating in the last month (friends visiting and partner's bday) and put on a little bit, but I've been back on the horse for a while and have 10 lbs left til goal.
  • 5'4" MFP start weight: 160 April start weight: 134 April 4: 133.6 April 11: 132.4 April 18 April 25: Goal for April 30: 130 I'd got down to 131.4 by yesterday but dinner and snacks were full of salt so I've woken up with an extra lb of water weight. Gotta love these Monday weigh ins ;)
  • Name: Sam Age: 25 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (April 1): 133.6 Goal Weight (May 1): 130 Weigh-ins (week of...): April 1: 133.6 April 8: 131.6 April 15: April 22: April 29: Weight -/+ this week: - 2 lbs Weight -/+ this month: - 2 lbs Successes/struggles this week: Good week, despite it being that TOM. Was able to stick with…
  • Yeah, it'll be water weight - 1.7 kilos is something like 3.7 lbs. It takes 3500 calories over maintenance to put on a pound, so you'd have to have eaten about 13,000 extra calories over maintenance for this to be real weight. Your body will just be holding on to water for whatever reason, probably hormonal. Don't worry,…
  • I ended up being uncomfortable last night because of how I was sleeping on my side, one of my hip bones was pressing into the mattress really hard and it woke me up because it hurt - I remember my grumpy, half asleep thought: "@%!$ NSV" LOL
  • 5'4" MFP start weight: 160 April start weight: 134 April 4: 133.6 April 11: April 18 April 25: Goal for April 30: 130 Not too bad considering that I ate quite a lot over the weekend. My legs are really aching today from doing a big walk yesterday so I might even be retaining some water!
  • Name: Sam Age: 25 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (April 1): 133.6 Goal Weight (May 1): 130 Weigh-ins (week of...): April 1: 133.6 April 8: April 15: April 22: April 29: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Before last weekend I hadn't had a drink for a month for various reasons, when previously I was drinking a couple of bottles of wine a week (factored into my calorie goal). It hasn't had much effect in of itself, but I've found that I'm less likely to crave bad choices the morning after!
    in Alcohol Comment by samgamgee March 2016
  • - To get below 130 by the end of April! - To reach the mid point of the healthy BMI range (127 lbs, for me). - To lose the flabby bulge on my upper torso.
  • In for a slow and steady loss in April! 5'4" MFP start weight: 160 April start weight: 134 April 4: April 11: April 18 April 25: Goal for April 30: 130