

  • Actually, women of average weight do need to gain fat (called maternal fat stores) when pregnant. It's considered necessary because of the need for extra calories for breastfeeding, among other things. You also don't need to eat more only in the last three months. Most doctors will tell you that you should be upping your…
  • If you haven't been eating quite a bit more than usual, then I agree with the pp that said it was likely water weight... your blood volume doubles when your pregnant and hormones tend to make you retain water more. If the beginning I always gain about 5 pounds in the first month. To gain that much in weight you would need…
  • I totally disagree with dumping MFP... I did when I got pregnant 5 months ago (just got a new profile yesterday) and now I'm already up 30 pounds and need to slow the gain. Eating whatever you want when you are pregnant can put you at a higher risk for gestational diabetes and malnutrition (I speak from experience!) You…
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