

  • I agree! top runners say that they are no different than anyone else, except that they can tolerate the pain and not let their mind stop them. I'm going through that now - painful run yesterday after a hard long day at work, so I was tired and wanted to stop, but I talked myself into getting through the pain and moving…
    in SO SAD :( Comment by joalai April 2011
  • I'm doing the same training and I'm 52, never ran more than a couple miles, so it's a big commitment. I say you keep going for it and worst case you walk what you can't run. Then you still train, still do 13 miles, but it's understandable that you may have set backs in the way of injuries, etc.. I have walked 3 1/2…
    in SO SAD :( Comment by joalai March 2011
  • how long have you been doing this? I felt the same way for about 3 weeks, lost 1 lb and was discouraged. Then in the 4th week, I lost 3 lbs. It was sort of like my body caught up to it. Maybe the extra muscle in my legs from running helped burn up some more calories. Not sure. Just keep doing it. And also consider what you…
  • a baked sweet potatoe is very filling - one medium potato is 103 calories - don't really need butter on those! I personnally would take a few extra calories and add a side of veggies - pretty dang close to 100 and very good for you too.
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