

  • The fun is in the making of the treats! We make them, package them up, and give them away. I also put them in individual serving size bags/containers for lunches and that keeps me from touching them. And, I use the old will-power muscle and walk away from the kitchen. You can have a serving size-work it into your day-and…
  • This is so motivating to me! I'm 5'4 and have lost 17 and to see that kind of weight loss on someone else makes me feel good because we are all our own worst critic and I still only see the bad parts of me. I have a long way to go yet, but thank you for posting. You look fantastic!
  • I am so sorry for your loss. I've lost 2 babies, one at 20 weeks (my first little girl angel) and one at 11 weeks. They were both hard and grief is totally a roller coaster. Hang on for the ride and try to let yourself feel, otherwise you bottle it up and it comes out in other ways. I love the way you are attacking the…
  • I missed the Friday weekly accomplishment so I'll post it today! I didn't cave to my snacky cravings by eating junk and I went out to eat and had an awesome steak salad instead of burger and fries (and was completely satisfied by it!).
  • To keep carbs under 50, I just finished week 2 of low carb and am doing great. It's keeping me full which keeps me from cheating. I know "low carb" is kind of frowned upon here, but I'm just looking for what works for me to avoid my trigger foods and keep me full. To lose 5 pounds in September. To go to the gym 3 times a…