

  • So, I'm 5 kgs down and I'm sticking with this! :) For this beautiful milestone, I'd like to reiterate my invitation for new friends on here. Let's support each other through the process of changing our lives!
  • Let's do this together! :) Feel free to add me!
  • How do you turn the exercise into routine? At which point does it become a "want to" or "need to" rather than "have to"? I grew up playing sports and I love doing that, but simple running bores me to death and I quit way too easily... A sprinkle of rain is more than enough... Any ideas are welcome!
  • @marylinndrake - that is an awesome piece of advice! Thank you for that... I'm in exactly the same boat you were in, I put in crazy hours when I travel just because I have nothing else to do and I'm bored. It's that boredom even off hours that gets me to binge out. I travel overseas for a couple of weeks every other month,…
  • Can i hijack this tread? :) I'm restarting for the n-th time and I intent to go all the way this time! I could definitely use all the support I can get :) Please add me!
  • Wow... Truly inspirational man, you look awesome. Gives the rest of us hope! :)