

  • Unfortunately I don't have Panko or any variety of breadcrumb, but I do have the Greek yogurt ;). Needless to stay it's baking right now. Instead of the salt I used lemon, maple garlic pepper and salt free garlic and herb. Can't wait. Thanks for the idea.
  • I found quite a few recipies that will hopefully be easy and yummy. Thanks for website. Orna
  • I couldn't find the Birds Eye fish, but my husband found another option. Less protein but still excellent. I had it for lunch with a bag of steamed veggies. Excellent option. Thanks Orna
  • Wow! Thank you, such wonderful suggestions. Thanks for the support and ideas. This gives me some direction.... All the best Orna
  • Sounds wonderful, thank you. Any ideas for breakfast? We all tend to eat everything with bread, or eat cereal.... I think breakfast is the most challenging.
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