annamaries13 Member


  • My recommendation is to mix it with regular rice - having some of the fluffy rice texture you expect helps the cauliflower texture to just blend in. So you can then eat a satisfying portion size with way fewer calories. This works for me, anyway. Good luck!
  • Whenever I'm at a gym that has a scale! So a few times a week, so I can keep a sense of what's happening. One day up a little/down a little doesn't mean much, but the overall pattern is helpful and a good reality check.
  • This may not be practical in your space, but my solution to avoid bugging my downstairs neighbor is to do jumping jacks/high knees close to my doorway. I've found there are places that creak more than others and also have felt that door jambs tend to be more structurally fortified (so less creaking) and making noise right…
  • My first 10k was this September - 1:02:17, which was close to my goal pace even though I had a few bumps in my training (foot injury, illness the week before the race). I pulled the training plan from the race's website, which helped me see it in manageable pieces. I'm 5'2", 34, and 130lbs (working my way down... I hope).…
  • My career is what I love - but it doesn't pay the bills (yet). So my "day job" is - well, it pays the bills. I do care about it, and the people are great, but it's a means to an end. Which in some ways helps me keep perspective: when things at work are stressful, i work hard to get things done but can leave the emotional…
  • I almost never run to music anymore, even on a treadmill. On those rare cases, I run to workout mixes my sister made me. The rest of the time, I try to practice this breathing-rhythm thing I read about that actually seems to help protect my knees and improve my stamina. You breathe in for 3 steps and out for 2 - the odd…
  • 10k! My very first one was yesterday. In spite of some training hiccups - including an injury - I was pretty proud of my pace and excited to have accomplished a tangible goal. Hoping to do another once I really resolve the foot problem that hasn't entirely resolved. Happy running!
  • To get better quickly and help knock out symptoms, I take Zicam as soon as I notice symptoms. It comes in a variety of "types" but I prefer the melt-in-your-mouth tablets. Drink lots of fluids (except for 15 minutes after taking the zicam) and I've noticed a big reduction in sick-symptoms within about 24 hours of my first…
  • baby powder works well and actually, in a pinch, so does a swipe of deodorant. sounds weird, but it helps!
  • Did 2 miles Monday night, another 3.5 last night on the treadmill.
  • Did 5 treadmill miles last weekend and jogged 3 outside tonight.
  • Hi Kayla, First of all - congratulations on being able to recognize that even if you are unhappy with your outside appearance, you are still a great person on the inside. That doesn't come easily to most people. Second, any change of routine, especially with family who we love and want to make happy, makes it hard to stick…