

  • Congrats! We're at the same point. The light at the end of the tunnel!
  • Just learned a thing myself this morning updating my diary from last night. I did a weight watchers meal at apple bees, I'm vegitarian so I dont get many options if I go out to eat, I ate a 300 cal meal which was great but the sodium was at 2,950!! I ate shrimp and rice whith steamed veggies are you kidding!?!? Lol this is…
  • I've been meat free for 2 years and I've never been happier a lot of people think it's unhealthy but honestly you can still get all the nutrients your body needs without all the hormone injected biproducts out today. My doctor hadn't seen me since I was 228 and eating whatever I'm now 145 and healthier than Ive ever been…