hellodangergirl Member


  • I had a Fitbit until The Incident; then I had an Up for a while until it died (if you go with the up, be prepared for regular warranty replacements, the batteries are apparently terrible). While it was interesting looking at the stats and seeing what correlated with what, it didn't actually motivate me to move more. YMMV.…
  • How good is your memory? Maybe try logging the day after or at the end of the day, that way there's no immediate pressure to eat less during the day. Also try manually adjusting the calorie goal to something so high you're unlikely to reach it (10,000?) so there's no looming end of calories to mess with your head.
  • I eat peppermint candies. The flavor is strong enough that I won't want anything else and the sugar is a real treat for me. Gum or something similar might help you.
  • Mercury was in retrograde? ¯\o_O/¯ Honestly, it just looks like normal fluctuations that happen when you're maintaining weight. Variations can include increased stress causing you to retain water, hormone cycles (I know you said those didn't affect your weight before, now maybe they do?), poor sleeping, constipation, you…
  • Dang, now I want breakfast tacos for dinner! Our break room is right outside my office so I get to stare down all the yummy leftovers for literally my entire day. My strategy is to eat peppermint candies when the temptation gets too bad. Lower calorie, strong flavor, they usually curb the cravings.
  • As far as adding veggies, start slow and don't give up! It takes several times eating something before you get used to the flavor. Maybe pick one veggie a week and try cooking/eating it different ways every day to see how you like it. Different cooking methods also yield different textures. As an example, carrots can be…
  • It took me about 2 weeks to adjust to eating 300 cals less and I was a hungry, grouchy mess the whole time. I know lots of people say you can eat high fiber, low density foods like fruits and veggies to feel full but, honestly, that back fires for me. If I have lots of veggies for lunch (even if it's in addition to other…
  • It really depends on what you want to get out of it and how good your trainer is. For me, it's 100% yay. I've been seeing the same trainer for a year, and I've made considerable gains is strength and muscle definition (I can now do real push ups! and he fixed a serious muscle imbalance). I also need the structure of…
  • I'm not vegetarian but I'm pretty darn close. I have a hard time getting enough protein unless I plan my meals around getting it. I don't mind, generally, but it can get a little tedious. Why not try reducing portion sizes and changing up how you're cooking the meat? Or changing what kind you're eating?
  • My bad. Ignore the PCOS and pregnancy stuff :smile: :embarassed:
  • There are more medical issues than thyroid problems that could be causing your weight gain; the example coming to mind is PCOS. And honestly, I hate to even say it, but if you went to a family doctor or general practitioner, (s)he may not have checked for the right thyroid hormones (mine didn't, and the endocrinologist she…
  • I see that you've lost quite a bit of weight (congrats!) and were very active pre-break. Is it possible you were over training? Were you noticing lots of soreness, mood changes, insomnia, etc? If so, giving your body a break allowed you to rest and recover, which could have lead to the results you're seeing.
  • My advice is to start slow and find replacements as needed. For instance, reduce your intake of milk and replace it with a soy/rice/almond variety of your choosing. Pick one meal you eat regularly and replace the meat with a vegan friendly option (textured vegetable protein instead of ground beef), etc. You might also…
  • Hire a personal trainer! You'll be working too hard to care about what anybody else is thinking. Even if you can only afford one or two sessions, ask him/her to focus on showing you how to work the machines, giving you a few exercises you can do on your own, and generally walking you through the more intimidating areas of…
  • Welcome to the cult! Erm, I mean club. :wink: