beanowl Member


  • Silje Mariela. She is my fitness IDOL.
  • I sure hope they don't shrink. I'm greedy. I was fitted a few weeks ago and the fitting lady recommended that I start wearing 36H, though she said I can still get by in my 34G bras. At my lowest weight, I was still a 34G and I hope I keep them. I've had huge cans since I was 13 and I don't want them to go anywhere. I'd…
  • I second rml_16. Just order the dress and have alterations done if needed. You shouldn't buy clothing that doesn't fit you yet (even if you're sure it'll fit by the deadline!) but sizing down a dress is pretty easy.
  • My goal is 1200, but ever since I started eating healthier (I mostly only eat fruits, veggies, eggs, chicken and rice), I've been finding it really difficult to reach 1200 calories. I have a hard time eating even 1000 calories most days. :'(
  • That is severely awesome. I am totally in awe. Like, seriously. Hot damn!
  • I am totally fine with plain water, but I started buying crystal light because my SO loves drinking lemonade, and the stuff he drinks is loaded with sugar and calories (we are both trying to be healthier). I know it has aspartame, but I'm thinking a bit of that is probably better than the alternative. Maybe.