

  • wow thats so great thanks for that. There is this class i have found in the sports all i can zip up on my scooter and sit on a chair to do it, going tommorow. I need to look at me now not the past think thats the problem.
  • sounds great, yes i think i need to sort the cals out first my support person will take me swimming on Thursday i think i did to much last time, i need to slow down. I liked the row machine but was told no, this is a new doctor so will see what they say. Thanks for the support x
  • I use to be a porter the a nurse i walked over 8 miles aday, it was the exserzise that made me worse, my doctor told me that as well. I am positive but i cant do much, doing any thing would kill me, i am on morphine and your friend got a back injurey as well??? If you have nothing nice to say dont, you do no me or my…
  • I am in a wheel chair or sticks but cant stand if i can sit and do it yes i would do it. Swimming is the best i think. It bugs me when people say so and so dose this and has the same illness, i have three and it afects people in so many diffrent ways most of the time i am bedbound. I am serching for something help is one…
  • Sorry not replyed been so ill. I have ME/Fibro and back problems. I try and swim but it takes a week to get over it. I cant lift so much with my arms becuse my left one wont work for a week. I lost a stone on slimming world but i got confused with it all. I am determind to keep going and i will look in to the dvds sounds a…