spinn477 Member


  • I definitely recommend the C25K, I have a friend that started running that way and it really worked for her. She started last year and I would say she definitely a runner now. Its a great way to build endurance for beginners.
  • LOL about the sweaty balls, there is a smell there sometimes....I guess I never associated with that particular smell ;).
  • "The only one who can tell you that you can't is you.....you don't have to listen." and " A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday"
  • I looked into it briefly to use as a meal replacement shake in the morning. I am not a big breakfast person and after looking into it, it seemed pretty costly for what it is. I decided to go with the GNC meal replacement shake and I am really happy I did after all the stuff I have heard about Vi. I definitely prefer to use…
  • I just started my program last week. On the weekends I am usually able to hit the gym so I lift at the gym and do 30min of cardio and try to get a run in at least one of those days as well. During the week I can only go to the gym one or two days, so on the days I can't I do Insanity before work and then after work I get a…
  • My plan is a combination of Insanity, running, and gym workouts. The days I can't make it to the gym I do Insanity in the AM and go for a run after work.