makenasmama Member


  • My opinion is this: Everything in moderation! Is Diet Coke gonna kill you? Probably not! Is it "good" for you? Probably not! Is it ok to have every now and again? Definitely! Should I be drinking 2-3 a day probably not! Is it better for you than drinking a real coke? That is the question? I say most likely...a coke is…
  • baby bell light, trail mix, celery with peanut butter, pop corn (a lot for little calories) Good luck!:heart::tongue:
  • I thought My fitness Pals were near crazy when I was having similar problems and they told me to eat more! I did and got better results believe it or not! Also I found my "danger" days for weigh ins..which include during TOM and during ovulation...I gain water weight, so I avoid the scale during those times! It helps keep…